Bananagrams - Spelling and Reading

I love playing games with my kids and fun-educational games are the best!

Bananagrams - In this Scrabble-like game players race against each other to be the first to use all their letters in words. Words can be changed and letters can be traded. We have played individually and in teams. This fun-educational game is great for family game-night.

My non-reader also enjoys playing this game. She will put letters together and we help her to sound them out. We often hand her a vowel to put in the middle and suggest a consonant or two for the beginning and end. It is fun for my older kids, but also helping my youngest learn to read.

* I did not receive any compensation for this recommendation. I'm just a homeschooling mom who has found many products that I like. If you're interested in the products I recommend on this blog I want to make it easy for you to find them. 
** I am an Amazon associate and receive a small portion of the sales on orders made after clicking in from this site, which I promptly spend on homeschooling books and supplies for my children.


  1. We enjoy Bananagrams too! Thanks for linking up with Favorite Resources :)

  2. Thanks for sharing! This looks like something fun to do with the kiddos. :)


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